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The T.E.A.M.A.K.E.R Framework 

To create a community of belongingness, we must work together to cultivate an environment that demonstrates Transparency, Empathy, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Accommodation, Kindness, Equity, and Respect. Using student data collected from NYC High School Students, we have developed a framework that encompasses street data through an extensive collaboration with student and staff planning. To improve our school’s climate & culture, we have become change agents implementing critical characteristics for a belongingness foundation. Fusing 8 defining characteristics we have created the TEAMAKER’s Framework.

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A K-5 Approach to Learning Our Framework

For a child, facing one's feelings can often feel daunting. This is where the concept of "Feeling Monsters" comes into play. It suggests that emotions aren't frightening; they're simply misunderstood. Each monster in the "Feeling Monsters" concept represents an element from the T.E.A.M.A.K.E.R framework. Through the illustrated behaviors of these monsters, children can gain a better understanding of what is needed to cultivate more positive relationships with others.

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